Dịch vụ
Dye Penetrant testing (PT) is used to detect the surface breaking discontinuities in non-porous materials. These discontinuities may be relating to new fabrication processes or in-service of objects. The typical discontinuities can be found are cracks, voids, porosity, inclusions, seams, laps and fatigue cracks.
Magnetic particle testing (MT) is used to detect the surface breaking and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials. These discontinuities may be relating to new fabrication processes or in-service of objects. The typical discontinuities can be found are cracks, voids, porosity, inclusions, seams, laps and fatigue cracks.Our inspectors are experienced, well trained and qualified in accordance with worldwide recognized standards such as PCN, CSWIP, ASNT and SNT-TC-1A.
Ultrasonic testing is a useful mean for assessing the integrity of the welds in T, Y, K configurations and the heavy wall thickness welds during fabrication and in-service inspection. Our UT inspectors are well trained and qualified in accordance with worldwide recognized standards such as PCN, CSWIP, ASNT and SNT-TC-1A for categories of weld configurations from butt weld in plates, nozzle welds to tubular variable configuration node weld
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